
标题: 2018 国(境)外学历学位认证失信行为公示办法 [打印本页]

作者: 班华斌律师    时间: 2024-10-20 09:53
标题: 2018 国(境)外学历学位认证失信行为公示办法
附件二:Provisions on the Publication of Dishonest Conduct in the Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service
Provisions on the Publication of Dishonest Conduct in the Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service
第一章 总则
第一条 为规范国(境)外学历学位认证失信行为,推进社会信用体系建设,根据相关法律法规及政策的规定,特制定国(境)外学历学位认证失信公示办法(以下简称“本办法”)。
第二条 国(境)外学历学位认证评估机构(即教育部留学服务中心,以下简称“留服中心”)依据《国(境)外学历学位认证评估办法》,以及与申请人签订的《国(境)外学历学位认证服务使用协议》等,对失信行为进行认定与处理,并根据本办法,决定是否将失信人列入失信行为公示名单(以下简称“失信名单”)。
第三条 留服中心公示失信行为信息,遵循客观公正、程序正当的原则。
第四条 申请人在学历学位认证过程中的合法权益依法受到保障;对失信公示不服的,依法享有提出异议、申请复核等权利。
第五条 留服中心依法建立失信主体信息共享制度,依托全国信用信息共享平台,与相关政府部门、司法机构或社会征信机构共享相关信息。
第二章 失信名单公示与共享
第六条 本办法所称失信行为,是指申请人在学历学位认证申请过程中提供虚假国(境)外学历学位证书或其他虚假材料、不实信息,以骗取学历学位认证的不正当行为。
第七条 申请人存在失信行为的,留服中心可以在作出不予认证或撤销认证决定时,决定是否将其列入失信名单,并在《不予认证通知单》或《撤销认证通知单》中一并告知。
第八条 申请人被告知将其列入失信名单时为未成年人的,将不被列入失信名单。
第九条 申请人被列入失信名单的,在中国留学网公示的期限为三年,自公示之日起计算。
第十条 留服中心定期在中国留学网与全国信用信息共享平台向社会公示失信名单,必要时也可通过报纸、广播、电视等其他方式予以公布,并将失信信息永久保存于留服中心认证系统、档案库。
第十一条 记载和公布的失信名单信息可包括:
第十二条 留服中心按照国家有关规定,与相关部门共享失信名单。
第十三条 留服中心可将失信名单信息向有关部门、企事业单位提供,供其在招聘录用、职称评定、评优表彰、科研活动等方面作为重要考量因素。
第十四条 留服中心可以将失信名单信息向征信机构通报,并由征信机构在其征信系统中记录。
第十五条 国家工作人员、人大代表、政协委员等被列入失信名单的,留服中心可将失信情况通报其所在单位和相关部门。
第三章 失信名单管理
第十六条 留服中心应及时更新失信名单信息。
第十七条 申请人满足下列条件之一的,留服中心应在10个工作日内,将其移出失信名单:
第十八条 申请人同时具有下列行为的,可以认定为主动纠正失信行为:
第十九条 被列入失信名单的自然人认为有下列情形之一的,可以向留服中心申请纠正:
第二十条 自然人对被列入失信名单申请纠正的,留服中心应自收到书面纠正申请之日起10个工作日内组织审查,经审查理由成立的,将在确认后的3个工作日内纠正;理由不成立的,决定驳回。自然人对驳回决定不服的,可以自决定书送达之日起向人民法院提起诉讼。
第四章 附则
第二十一条 本规定所称申请人是指向留服中心提起学历学位认证申请的,或已经取得学位学历认证结果,因发现存在失信行为而被留服中心撤销认证的自然人。
第二十二条 本规定所称送达之日,是指:
第二十三条 与本办法有关的咨询与沟通渠道在中国留学网公布。
第二十四条 本办法由留服中心负责解释。
第二十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
Provisions on the Publication of Dishonest Conduct in the Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating conduct in the evaluation of overseas credentials and promoting the development of the social credit system, these Provisions on the Publication of Dishonest Conduct in Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service (hereinafter referred to as “these Provisions”) are formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies.
Article 2 The evaluating institution of overseas credentials, namely the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “CSCSE”), shall identify and deal with dishonest conduct based on the Provisions on the Evaluation of Overseas Credentials and the Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service Agreement entered with applicants, and also decide whether to include a dishonest person into the List of Dishonest Persons for publication (hereinafter referred to as the “List of Dishonest Persons”).
Article 3 CSCSE shall publish the information of dishonest conduct on the principles of objectivity, fairness and due process.
The List of Dishonest Persons shall be objective, accurate and fair to insure the legality, authenticity and accuracy of the published information.
Article 4 An applicant’s legitimate rights and interests during the evaluation process will be protected in accordance with the law; an applicant who disagrees with their inclusion in the List of Dishonest Persons has the right to raise an objection or apply for a reevaluation in accordance with the law.
Article 5 CSCSE shall establish an information sharing system on dishonest individuals and share relevant information with relevant government departments, judicial authorities and social credit investigation institutions based on the national credit information sharing platforms.
Chapter II Publication and Sharing of the List of Dishonest Persons
Article 6 The “dishonest conduct” as mentioned in these Provisions shall refer to the misconduct that an applicant engages in, including providing fake overseas credentials, other fake documents or untruthful information, during the application and evaluation process, in order to obtain credentials evaluation.
Article 7 CSCSE may decide whether to include an applicant who engages in dishonest conduct into the List of Dishonest Persons for his or her dishonest conduct when rejecting or revoking the corresponding evaluation, and shall inform such applicants in the Notice of Rejection of Evaluation or Notice of Revocation of Evaluation.
If an applicant disagrees with the decision of inclusion in the List of Dishonest Persons, he or she can raise an objection to CSCSE within 10 working days after receipt of the Notice of Rejection of Evaluation or Notice of Revocation of Evaluation, or 10 working days after the date on which such applicant becomes aware of or ought to become aware such notice in the event that the applicant does not receive the notice. If the applicant fails to raise a written objection within 10 working days, CSCSE will include him or her into the List of Dishonest Persons. CSCSE shall organize a review within 3 working days upon receipt of an objection. If the evaluation report remains the same after the reevaluation, CSCSE may include the corresponding individual into the List of Dishonest Persons.
In the event that an applicant files a lawsuit against the reevaluation decision, the validity of the reevaluation decision shall remain unaffected.
Article 8 If an applicant is a minor when he or she is informed of inclusion into the List of Dishonest Persons, such applicant shall not be included to the List.
Article 9 Applicants who are included in the List of Dishonest Persons shall be published on the CSCSE website for three years commencing on the date of the publication.
In the event that an applicant engages in dishonest conduct that leads to serious negative impact on the society, or that an applicant engages in fraudulent activities after obtaining evaluation through dishonest means leading to serious negative impact to the society, CSCSE may extend the publication period for one to three more years as it deems fit.
Article 10 CSCSE shall publish the List of Dishonest Persons to the society via the CSCSE website and national credit information sharing platforms on a regular basis, and may also publish the List through newspapers, radio, TV and other channels. The information of dishonest persons will be recorded permanently in CSCSE’s evaluation system and archives.
Article 11 The published List of Dishonest Persons may include the following information:
(1) A Chinese applicant’s name, gender, date of birth, evaluation report number, ID number or other document numbers that can be used to identify the applicant;
(2) A foreign applicant’s name, gender, date of birth, evaluation report number, passport number or other document numbers that can be used to identify the applicant;
(3) Details and basis of determination of an applicant’s dishonest conduct;
(4) Time of inclusion into the List of Dishonest Persons;
(5) Other matters involving no individual privacy that CSCSE considers necessary to be recorded and published.
CSCSE declare the consequences of dishonest conduct in the Overseas Credentials Evaluation Service Agreement, which authorizes CSCSE to publish the information of dishonest persons in accordance with the law.
Article 12 CSCSE shall share the List of Dishonest Persons with relevant government departments in accordance with the relevant regulations of China.
CSCSE may notify relevant government departments, judicial authorities, financial regulatory institutions, financial institutions, public institutions performing administrative functions and industry associations of information of the List of Dishonest Persons to support the relevant entities to impose credit constraints or credit punishments on dishonest entities in the areas of government procurement, tendering and bidding, administrative review and approval, government support, financing and credit, market access, qualification recognition, commendation, and consumption in accordance with relevant laws, rules and regulations.
Article 13 CSCSE may provide the information of the List of Dishonest Persons to relevant departments, enterprises and public institutions as an important factor in considering recruitment, professional title appraisal, commendation and research activities.
Article 14 CSCSE may notify the information of the List of Dishonest Persons to credit investigation organizations to be recorded in their credit reference system.
Article 15 If a civil servant, deputy to the People's Congress, or member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is included in the List of Dishonest Persons, CSCSE may inform the corresponding entity and relevant departments of the situation.
Chapter III Management of the List of Dishonest Persons
Article 16 CSCSE shall update information of the List of Dishonest Persons timely.
In the event that the information recorded or published is inaccurate, CSCSE shall modify such information within 3 working days after confirmation.
Article 17 CSCSE shall remove an applicant from the List of Dishonest Persons within 10 working days if such applicant meets one of the following conditions:
(1) The term of publication has expired;
(2) The applicant is deceased and a written application for removal from the List is submitted by his or her family or friend;
(3) The applicant files a lawsuit and the court decision or judgment determines he or she should be removed from the List of Dishonest Persons;
(4) It is determined that the applicant should not be included in the List of Dishonest Persons through the authority of office or application;
(5) The applicant is included in the List based on laws, regulations or policies which have subsequently changed, which makes it unnecessary to punish the applicant anymore;
(6) The dishonest conduct is minor and the applicant takes initiative to correct his or her dishonest practices and eliminate or mitigate corresponding adverse consequences, and CSCSE agrees after review to remove the applicant from the List;
(7) Other circumstances under which an applicant should be removed from the List of Dishonest Persons and the dishonest conduct information shall be deleted.
Article 18 An applicant shall be deemed to have taken initiative to correct his or her dishonest practices if one of the following conditions is met:
(1) Actively cooperate with CSCSE to eliminate the adverse consequences with a genuine attitude;
(2) Promptly correct the fake documents or untruthful information.
Article 19 A natural person included in the List of Dishonest Persons may apply for correction to CSCSE if one of the following conditions is met:
(1) The person should not be included in the List of Dishonest Persons;
(2) The dishonest conduct information recorded and published is inaccurate;
(3) The dishonest conduct information should be deleted.
Article 20 If a natural person applies for correction of his or her inclusion in the List of Dishonest Persons, CSCSE shall organize a review within 10 working days after receipt of such application for correction in writing. If reasons for correction are found valid after the reevaluation, a correction shall be made within 3 working days after confirmation; if otherwise, the application shall be rejected. If the natural person disagrees with the rejection, he or she may institute an action in a People’s Court after delivery of the decision.
During the period of litigation, the decision of including the person in the List shall continue to be implemented.
Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
Article 21 The term “applicant” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to a natural person who has submitted an application to CSCSE for evaluation of credentials, or who has obtained evaluation of credentials but the evaluation has been revoked by CSCSE for dishonest conduct.
Article 22 The “date of delivery” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to:
(1) If by mail, the date on which the receipt of the mail is signed off by the addressee or by a designated recipient; in the event that a mail receipt is not available, the date of delivery refers to the date on which a return slip is signed by the addressee or by a designated addressee;
(2) If the addressee is informed via public notice in accordance with the law, the date of delivery refers to the date of expiration of the notice;
(3) If the addressee agrees to receive the decision by text message, facsimile, email or other means with which receipt of the decision can be confirmed, the date of delivery refers to the date that the text message, facsimile or email is received by the addressee’s system;
(4) If the addressee is informed in other ways in accordance with the law, the date of delivery refers to the date on which the addressee becomes aware of or ought to become aware of the decision.
If the addressee or the designated recipient refuses to sign off the delivery or if they cannot be located, the notice shall be delivered via public notice.
If the decision is the delivered via public notice, the notice shall be published on the home page of the CSCSE website for at least 45 days with reasons for such announcement noted.
Article 23 The consultation and communication channels related to these Provisions shall be published on the CSCSE website.
Article 24 These Provisions shall be interpreted by CSCSE.
Article 25 These Provisions shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.

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